Many of our clients here at the The Ranchod Law Group are asking me about the Immigration Reform.
Since the passage of the IIRARA in 1996 (The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996), no single comprehensive immigration reform program has come so far in so little time. This not to say that the current “Gang of Eight’s” bill will become the law of the land, but there is a realistic hope that Democrats and Republicans will come to an agreement and will pass the long-awaited Immigration Reform Bill.
So, what steps should all potential eligible applicants take in the event the immigration reform bill were to pass? The answer varies, and will depend on whether the applicant has had any encounters with:
- border patrol officials;
- the immigration court system;
- federal or state police officers.
For those who have had encounters with the authorities, it is recommended to seek the assistance of an experienced professional who would order a background check or Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) from the proper authorities to establish the obstacles, if any, the individual will encounter when attempting to obtain the lawful status under the potential Immigration Reform Bill.
Of particular interest are those encounters with border patrol officials or the court system because the release of such records generally takes up to, and in many cases longer than, a year.
The potential applicants with no encounters with the authorities, should start gathering all the documentation possible to support their eligibility to apply for such lawful status, such as:
- birth certificates of the entire family;
- marriage and divorce certificates;
- income tax returns of all the years filed;
- vaccination records;
- medical and dental records;
- pay stubs.
Keep in mind that the list is not exhaustive, and only serves as reference.
Remember that those with their documentation in order, will be ahead of those who procrastinated because they will be ready and able to petition if the Immigration Reform Bill is enacted.
Contact us Today for more information and help on the your specific situation.