If you’re involved in intercountry adoption once the process is complete, you’ll be involved in a new process—that of adjusting to your new family. Working as an immigration lawyer with a wealth of experience in the family{^}United States” /> immigrationarea, I’m quick to caution parents that the adjustment period can certainly take time. Here are some primary areas of which you will need to be mindful.
Children Who Have Spent Time in Institutions
If you’re adopting a child who has spent any length of time in an orphanage or similar institution, then you’re bound to find that there will be a time of adjustment depending upon their experience.
The first adjustment that a child must make is to living with a family. Your home setting may be the first time that your child has ever been in that type of situation. It can be overwhelming. Changes to their schedule, including eating, sleeping and school and adjustments to new foods and various different activities are all stressful and can be disconcerting.
Adjustments can be easier if the child is able to keep some favorite, familiar items that may include clothing, a blanket and pillow, a special memento or other such articles in which they may find comfort.
Children Adjusting to a New Family
Depending upon the age of the child at adoption and if they had any family experiences with their birth parents or foster parents, there will be a period in which they are adjusting to your family. If you already have birth or other adopted children in your home, the new child will literally be the new kid on the block in new country.
Transcultural and Transracial Issues
Additional issues are involved when a child is from a very different culture or is of a different ethnicity or race. There are certainly adoptive support groups and joining one that focuses on families with transcultural or transracial challenges can be especially insightful and helpful. As an{^}United States” /> immigrationlawyer, one of the issues I raise with clients of which they must be aware is that the adoptive child can also have a huge impact on children already in the house and on extended members of the family.
Complicated Issues
These are certainly complicated issues that can influence a family in its daily existence, offering challenges to all involved. Adults must be especially attentive to any issues that may arise. In my{^}United States” /> immigration law practice, I’ve found that those adults who directly address such issues and who are willing to work at solving such problems ultimately create a home that is a supportive haven for all.
Please contact the Ranchod Law Group with offices in Sacramento, and Stockton, if you have any questions regarding intercountry adoption.
We represent clients throughout the fifty states
To schedule a consultation contact us at (916) 613-3553, (209) 219-2377 or email us at info@ranchodlaw.com.